About Us

Billings, Montana, United States
The Professor and I were civilly married 24 May 1998 and sealed for time and all eternity 11 Sept 1999 in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple, American Fork, UT. We have, between us 6 biological children and 3 we claim as ours through the heart strings! We call Billings, Montana home and love it here. We camp, hunt, fish, ride horses and LOVE bull riding and rodeos. Our church is a huge part of our lives and our callings keep us very busy. We love our Saviour, Jesus Christ and strive to show that love to our fellow man every day. We got our nicknames because I am the "spark" that keeps things lively around here, and he was smart enough to marry me! That's the short story on it anyway!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


My boy Jake has come home!

Jake made it home! He got here on April 28th. It's so good to have him here! He has grown up a lot since the last time he was home, and so far things are going very well with him. It's always tricky when you let your adult children come home again, but hopefully all will be well.

On April 24th, I got a call from Penick Village, where my dad lives, they were taking him to the hospital. Later, I got another call saying he was in congestive heart failure, so I hopped on the first plane down there and spent the next couple days with him. Turns out, he had pneumonia, not congestive heart failure, but that is still pretty hard on an 87 year old man. He is very weak still, but is home from the hospital. I stayed until he came home and then came home myself. It was an arduous trip, but I am all he has, and I am glad to be there for him.

Dan and I are going camping this weekend for Mother's Day! It will be the maiden voyage of our new camper! I am very excited for the trip. Although right now, it is raining and cold out, I am hoping the weekend will be nicer. Even if it's not though, we have our camper, so we will be warm and dry! I will take lots of reading material and the backgammon board!

Of course the dogs are coming too, and this will be Riley's first camping adventure with us. This should be interesting! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and video!

Megan will be turning 21 in June, so I am going to go spend the day with her. Dan has to travel to Helena that weekend, so I will have to go alone, but hopefully our friend Kyle will be coming to spend her birthday with us and then come up to Montana to "cruise the mission" and will bring her with him for a few days. That will be amazing! I hope it happens!

Well, that's about all the news for now, so....
have your best day so far!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Have fun camping...and Happy Mother's Day to you. WWBARB