About Us

Billings, Montana, United States
The Professor and I were civilly married 24 May 1998 and sealed for time and all eternity 11 Sept 1999 in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple, American Fork, UT. We have, between us 6 biological children and 3 we claim as ours through the heart strings! We call Billings, Montana home and love it here. We camp, hunt, fish, ride horses and LOVE bull riding and rodeos. Our church is a huge part of our lives and our callings keep us very busy. We love our Saviour, Jesus Christ and strive to show that love to our fellow man every day. We got our nicknames because I am the "spark" that keeps things lively around here, and he was smart enough to marry me! That's the short story on it anyway!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Summer Flowers near Meeteetse, WY

Ladybug close-up!

Wow has it been awhile since I have posted anything on here. There has been so much going on in my life, and in the lives of some people who mean the world to me. Satan is alive and well and doing his best to destroy good, righteous people. It breaks my heart how one person can do such evil things to another person and have no regard for what it does to their lives. All we can do is pray and stay close to the gospel.

I have to admit, I have been pret
ty grouchy lately in a lot of areas, there is just so much stress right now and I am having a hard time with it. My panic and anxiety attacks have begun again and I haven't had problems with them for several years now. I hate them and how they impact my life.

The professor and I have been camping several times since my last post. This past weekend, we went to Meeteetse, WY again. This time with my best friend Myrna and her hubby Earnie. We had a ball as usual! The scenery was amazing and it was peaceful and quiet. Just what we all needed!

Moose near Meeteetse, WY

Myrna and me at the ghost town of Kirwin, WY

which way is the tree going?

Jake has been living with us since the end of May (??), and for the most part, it's going well, but it's hard to have an adult child living at home. Anyone who has done this can attest that it's hard to figure out where to draw the line between helping and enabling them to live off you forever! LOL!

We had our third annual Fritz Summer Fest last Wednesday night. It was a great party, we had a fabulous turnout and
played some awesome games. We fed several homeless people that wandered into our area of the park. I didn't mind. I figured it's a church function and what is more Christ-like than to share what we have with the less fortunate.

This weekend is gonna be a doozy! On Saturday morning we are going to a Temple wedding here at the Billings Temple, then that afternoon, I am throwing a bridal shower for a different young lady, and that night we have a wedding reception to go to. whew!! Makes me tired just thinking of it all! There are just so many young adults getting married from our singles ward. They are amazing! I think there have been like 10 marriages this summer from the singles ward! They keep us hopping that's for sure! I love it though!

YSA PARTY, 2009!!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

A long shot in the dark, but did you know any Allreds that lived there in Billings for a while? They would have been in your regular family ward, not the singles ward. David and Rachael. David is my cousin and they moved back home to Preston from Billings after he graduated. He told me your name sounded familiar but he couldn't remember for sure if he new you or not. I'm thinking he must not of, because if he did I'm sure he'd remember. ;) lol