About Us

Billings, Montana, United States
The Professor and I were civilly married 24 May 1998 and sealed for time and all eternity 11 Sept 1999 in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple, American Fork, UT. We have, between us 6 biological children and 3 we claim as ours through the heart strings! We call Billings, Montana home and love it here. We camp, hunt, fish, ride horses and LOVE bull riding and rodeos. Our church is a huge part of our lives and our callings keep us very busy. We love our Saviour, Jesus Christ and strive to show that love to our fellow man every day. We got our nicknames because I am the "spark" that keeps things lively around here, and he was smart enough to marry me! That's the short story on it anyway!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Summer is finally over! YYYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I am so glad for the cooler weather, the rain and wind and cooler temperatures are so refreshing for me! Have I mentioned lately that I HATE heat??!! LOL.

Dan is out guiding an Elk hunt this week with a guy that works for him. I got a brief phone call from him today and he said they were hunkered down by an outgropping of rocks trying to avoid the wind, rain and even some snow. I'm glad he thinks that's fun! Not me boy, give me my fireplace and my warm, soft Michigan blanket and a good book, football game or some bull riding and I'm a happy girl!

Megan has been calling me and asking for a lot of recipies lately. She's finally getting interested in cooking...mostly thanks to Vic. He told her she doesn't stand a chance of getting married if she can't cook! He's so funny! Anyway, I have been working on making a cookbook for her. One of the things I miss most about my Mom is being able to call her and ask about one of her recipies, so I decided I should make mine available to Megan. This being "soup season", I have been working a lot on my soups. It's kind of hard though, because I usually just throw things together and in order to make them "Meganable" I have to put some kind of measurements down!

I am taking my photography to the next level. I am going to be selling my pictures at the LDS bookstore here in town. It is under new ownership and the new owner likes my landscapes and has asked me to frame some, with scripture on them, to sell in the bookstore. I'm excited, but I really have no idea how much I should charge for them, considering the cost of ink, paper, frames etc. Any ideas???

So, for the most part, things are quiet around here. My sister and nieces are coming for a visit, and Doug, Liz, Brighton and Lilly are coming as well. I am so excited to see all of them, but mostly, I am excited for my sweetheart to come home, which isn't for several more days, unless Pat gets his Elk!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Good luck with the photography. That one is beautiful. For a price??? For sure, whatever it costs to produce, double that amount....and then some?

Hoping life is going well for you. I enjoy reading your blog, and especially listening to your music. Those are my choices of songs, too.

Are you one Face Book? Look me up. I'm the Barb Michel, and my photo is of me and my hubby. We are both wearing black. The pic was taken at our Ward's Gold/Green Ball. (our ward celebrated it's 100th birthday, and we had one for that occasion.)

Are you in charge of Young Singles again this year?
Sending you the best,