About Us

Billings, Montana, United States
The Professor and I were civilly married 24 May 1998 and sealed for time and all eternity 11 Sept 1999 in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple, American Fork, UT. We have, between us 6 biological children and 3 we claim as ours through the heart strings! We call Billings, Montana home and love it here. We camp, hunt, fish, ride horses and LOVE bull riding and rodeos. Our church is a huge part of our lives and our callings keep us very busy. We love our Saviour, Jesus Christ and strive to show that love to our fellow man every day. We got our nicknames because I am the "spark" that keeps things lively around here, and he was smart enough to marry me! That's the short story on it anyway!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I was feeling pretty sad about being released from our calling with the Young Single Adults...I have grown to love them so very much. Yesterday in Relief Society in my home ward, I felt kind of like a fish out of water....to be with sisters my own age again was just kind of weird. I don't feel like I have anything to contribute to them. Most of them have been members all their lives or at least for a lot longer than I have been, so what wisdom could I possibly have for them?

It 's funny though how God knows exactly what we need and when we need it. I know He saw all of this coming and prepared me for it. You see, just before being released from our stake calling, my home ward extended a calling to me as Achievment Day leader for the 8 and 9 year olds. AND, He called the most amazing person to be my assistant! Her name is Stacy Haskell, and we just had lunch together and she is amazing!!! I am so excited to be able to work with her. I think we are going to be great friends as well as working together! After all, it's not everyday someone you're meeting for the first time spills a big ole' glass of water on you during your lunch meeting!! It was great! She is so cute, and very enthusiastic and excited for her new calling. She is a new member of the church and has that wonderful "new convert" energy and excitement! She brightened my day just by going to lunch together! I can tell we are going to work VERY well together and will be like a well oiled machine!

So, while I felt a bit out of place in Relief Society, (and I know that will be very temporary, cuz afterall, I'm just coming home) I also feel needed again, and that is so important. To be part of the Lord's work, to be contributing, making a difference and teaching are some of the things that are most important to me as a member of this church.

I love being with our 8 and 9 year old girls, and Stacy has some super amazing ideas planned and between the two of us, I really think these girls will be very blessed! (mostly from Stacy though!! she really is incredible!)

I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who knows how to mend my broken heart in such a way. I am grateful for service that helps me focus on others and not dwell on my own pain, and I'm grateful for the young girls who are so eager to learn the gospel!


Joshua said...

I can remember one other time that someone you met for the first time dumped water on you!

I hope you have tons of fun (I'm sure you will)in your new calling! The girls are gonna love you!

Sparky and The Professor said...

Yup, I remember that too, only I got even with you!! In fact, I was just telling the Elders that live with us that story the other day. I usually tell them within the first few days of them moving in so they can be warned! Sister Fritz has a mighty long arm when it comes to "pay-backs"!!!